CloseGracie Barra Singapore July 2018 Morning & Lunch Promotion!
Do you live or work around Gracie Barra Singapore? Looking to get a work out before you go to work or during lunchtime, or even just try Jiu-Jitsu out for the first time? Then Gracie Barra Singapore’s Morning and Lunchtime Promo is great for you!
While a normal monthly membership is between $220 to $300, this promo gives you access to morning and lunchtime classes starting from $150 a month:
Morning OR Lunchtime Sessions Only: $150/month
Morning & Lunchtime Sessions: $180/Month
Shower Situation? We got you covered! GBSG has a changing room equipped with hot shower, shampoo and conditioner, shower gel, moisturizer, deodorant, and hair dryer, to get you back to work fresh and clean! If you need a towel, we rent them for $1.
Equipped with Shower Gel, Shampoo, Conditioner, Moisturiser, Make Up Remover, and Deodorant! Hair Dryer also available!
Get fresh and clean after BJJ!
Need Breakfast after Training or a Lunchtime Snack? GBSG stocks Coconut Water, and Whapow all-natural popsicles packed with spirulina and fruit. Otherwise, cafes like Ronin on Hong Kong Street and Punch on North Canal Road open at 8am and serve up exceptional coffee and breakfast!
Bulky Gi? Don’t wanna lug your sweaty gi to work after training? We rent gis for $7 a session (for hygiene purposes, the rental gis can only be used for one class per day, or 2 classes if they are back-to-back).
Is GBSG far from Public Transport? Not at all, Gracie Barra Singapore is located at the super hip Hong Kong Street (we’re number 42B!), just 210 meters (or a 3 minute walk) from Clarke Quay Station (purple line). If you need the green or red line, Raffles Place MRT is 700 meters away (or a 9 minute walk).
So what’s the morning and lunchtime schedule like? Our weekday morning schedule alternates between 7am classes on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and 7.30am classes on Tuesday and Thursday – for all levels. While our weekday lunch schedule starts at 12pm and ends at 2pm, with alternating basic and intermediate classes – basic classes start at 12pm and end at 1pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and start at 1pm and end at 2pm on Tuesday and Thursday. Our intermediate classes start at 1pm and end at 2pm on Tuesday and Thursday, and start at 12pm and end at 1pm on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Register for a free one day trial pass today. Gracie Barra is located at 42B Hong Kong Street, Singapore 059681. Call us at +65 6931 3099 or email for more info.
Terms & Conditions:
Promotion valid for sign ups between 1 – 31 July 2018.
Min. Sign up of 3 months, Max. Sign up of 6 months.
Not valid with any other promotions.
Valid of weekday lunch and morning classes only.
Not for use valid during public holidays.
Only valid for first time students of Gracie Barra Singapore.
Gracie Barra reserves the right to amend any terms and conditions to this promotion.